New Pension form changes - what you need to know
NHS Pensions (England & Wales) updated their pension forms A and B last week. They now have a “unique identifying reference number”. This is based on your 8-digit SD number. This number will have a reference added which corresponds to the month. For example 12345678LOCMAY17.
There have been false reports that NHS pensions claim that paperwork not marked with this reference will not be processed. Dr Krishan Aggarwal, deputy chair to the sessional GPC subcommittee has liaised directly with NHS England and Capita and provides clarification on the matter. Here are three things you should know:
1. Capita will process all form A and B payments regardless of the SD number being put on the form.
2. For BACS payments, you must enter the following reference details in your email:
• SD number – your GP Pensions scheme number: 8 characters
• LOCUM or SOLO – the form type the payment relates to: 3 characters
• MONTH – the month the payment relates to: 3 characters
• YEAR – the year the payment is for: 2 characters
Practitioners should then scan and email their completed forms to [email protected] stating the form type in the email subject line and providing the payment reference details in the body of the email.
Alternatively Practitioners can write the payment reference details on the form and post to:
Primary Care Support England, PO Box 350, Darlington, DL1 9QN
3. From May 2017, Capita will provide a receipt for all BACS payments. So far this is not retrospective but they are working on providing a solution.
MyLocumManager automatically prepares your pension forms alongside your calculations. If you are manually completing forms you can download them here.