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By Dr Matthew Beddoe



The NHS Business Service Authority has announced that from the 1st of April 2017, in England and Wales, the employers contribution rate will increase by 0.08% from 14.3% to 14.38% to cover administration costs.

What this means for you:

If you are a Locum who pensions their income, any sessions worked from the 1st of April invoiced through will automatically have the new employer contribution rate added. You will notice sessions worked after 1st April 2017 will show the new employer rate of 14.38%.

What to do now:

We have taken care of all the adjustments needed so you can relax and carry on invoicing as normal. It may be worth informing your practices in case they are not aware, and so they can account for the slight increase in employer contribution on your invoices.

Also, ensure that any sessions prior to 1st April are invoiced separately from sessions after the 1st of April so that the correct employer rate is applied.

Where can I get more information?

You can find out more information on the NHS business service authority website.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.